Connie Cheng

This was my second time going to the Holy Land. There was excellent and detailed information explained by Nadia Choi and local tour guides in both Jordan and Israel of the Biblical sites that we visited. I am thankful to God that my dad was willing to come with me on this trip since he is not a believer and this tour could help him understand more about the Biblical events and the meaning of salvation. This tour was a great learning experience for me because I was also an assistant for the first time. There are so many memorable things during this tour. Just to name a few, I really appreciated the arrangement between Nadia and Eli to arrange a vehicle for a few elderly and disabled people who could not walk as much on the sloped hill when we visited the Church of the Nativity. Second, when we went to the Mount of Olives and the Church of Ascension, we read the Bible scriptures together while looking up at the sky, just like how the disciples were when Jesus began to ascend into the sky. The application made us think about how we utilize our time and how we should live our lives no matter how much time we have left in this world. How equipped or prepared will we be when we see Him in heaven or during His second coming? Third, I had an upset stomach for a day. Thank you brothers and sisters who gave me medicine and prayed for me. We love because God first loved us. Last but not least, I thank Nadia Choi for the Golden Lamp stand gift. This reminds me that Jesus is the light of the world and that as a Christian, I shall continue to serve God, live a godly life that shines in the world and to be a blessings to others. Amen.
In Christ,

Connie Cheng